Home > Product > MHz Oscillators > SG5032CBN


Frequency Range: 80-170MHz, CMOS output
Dimensions: 5.0*3.2mm
Package: 1000 pieces/Reel
ROHS STATUS: Compliant
PN: X1G004461000700 X1G004461000200
Applications: Wireless communication, PC and LCDM
Item Symbol SG5032CBN Conditions / Remarks
Output frequency range f0 80MHz to 170MHz Please contact us about available frequencies.
Supply voltage VCC H: 1.6 V to 3.6 V  
Storage temperature T_stg -40°C to +125°C Storage as single product
Operating temperature T_use B: -20 °C to +70 °C  
G: -40 °C to +85 °C
Frequency tolerance f_tol J: ±50 × 10-6  
Current consumption ICC 11mA Max. No load condition Maximum frequency.
Disable current I_dis - OE=GND
Symmetry SYM 45 % to 55 % 50% VCClevel, L_CMOS ≦ 50 pF
Output voltage VOH VCC - 0.4V Min.  
VOL 0.4V Max.  
Output load condition(CMOS) L_CMOS 15 pF Max.  
Input voltage VIH 80% VCC Min. OE terminal
VIL 20% VCC Min.
Rise time/
Fall time
tr / tf 3ns Max. 20 % VCC ~ 80 % VCClevel, L_CMOS ≦50 pF
Start-up time t_str 3ms Max. t=0 at 90 % VCC ,+85°C
Frequency aging f_aging ±5 × 10-6 / year Max. +25°C, First year.


External dimensions

(Unit: mm)


Footprint (Recommended)

(Unit: mm)