Home > Product > Ceramic Resonators > YSX146GA


Fixed Frequency: 32.768KHz
Dimensions: 7.0*1.5mm (7015)
Package: 3000 pieces/Reel
Promise: Lifetime warranty and technical support
Applications: Small communication devices
Item / Type YSX146GA
Nominal Frequency Range 32.768KHz
Vibration Mode +2° X-cut Fundamental
Load Capacitance 12.5pF, or specify
Frequency Tolerance (at 25 ℃)  ± 20 ppm , or specify
Operating Temperature  - 40 ~ + 85 ℃
Storage Temperature -55 ~ +125 ℃
Shunt Capacitance 2.0pF typical
Level of Drive 1.0 μW Max.
Frequency Aging (at 25 ℃) ± 5 ppm / year Max.
Turnover Temperature 25 ℃ ± 5 ℃
Temperature Coefficient -0.036 ± 0.006ppm / ℃2
Motional Resistance 65 KΩ Max.
Motional Capacitance 3.0fF typical

Part Number Guide            X701532768KSD4GI
Quartz Crystal Resonator Dimensions
Load Capacitance
Frequency Stability 
Pin Material Operating Temp
X 7.0 x 1.5 32.768K S D 4 G I

External dimensions

(Unit: mm)