Home > Product > KHz Crystals > FC-12M


Fixed frequency: 32.768KHz
Dimensions: 2.0*1.2mm (2012)
Package: 3000 pieces/Reel
PN: X1A000061000200, X1A000061000600
PN: FC-12M 32.7680KA-A3, FC-12M 32.7680KA-AC3
Applications: Small card, small devices
Item Symbol Specifications Condition/Remarks
Nominal frequency range f_nom 32.768kHz 32kHz to 77.5kHz Please contact us for inquiries regarding available frequency.
Storage temperature T_stg -55 °C to +125 °C Store as bare product
Operating temperature T_use -40 °C to +85 °C  
Level of drive DL 0.5 µW Max.  
Frequency tolerance (standard) f_tol ±20 × 10-6
±30 × 10-6
+25 °C,DL=0.1 µW Please ask for tighter tolerance
Turnover temperature Ti +25 °C±5 °C  
Parabolic coefficient B -0.04 × 10-8/ °C2 Max  
Load capacitance CL 12.5pF Please contact us except 12.5pF
Motional resistance
R1 90 kΩ Max. 90 kΩ to 65kΩ  
Motional capacitance C1 6.4 fF Typ. 7.0 fF to 2.7fF  
Shunt capacitance C0 1.3 pF Typ. 1.6 pF to 0.8pF  
Frequency aging f_age ±3 ×10-6 / year Max +25 °C, First year


External dimensions

(Unit: mm)


Footprint (Recommended)

*Do not design any circuit patterns in the shaded area.
(Unit: mm)