Home > Product > TCXO > TG-5006CG


Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
Frequency Range: 13MHz-52MHz
External Dimensions: 2.5*2.0mm
PN: X1G004211000100 X1G004211000300
Application: Wireless communication devices(CDMA, WCDMA, LTE, WIMAX)
Item Symbol Specifications Conditions/ Remarks
Output frequency
f0 13.000MHz to 52.000MHz  
16.367667 MHz, 16.368 MHz, 16.369 MHz,
19.2 MHz, 26 MHz, 38.4 MHz
Standard frequency
Supply voltage VCC 1.8V ±0.1V / 2.8V ± 5 % / 3.0 V ± 5 % / 3.3 V ± 5 % Range: 1.7V to 3.465V
Storage temperature T_stg -40°C to +90°C Store as single product.
T_use -30°C to +85°C  
Frequency tolerance f_tol ±2.0 x10-6 Max. After reflow, +25°C
temperature characteristics
fo-TC ±0.5 x 10-6 Max. / -30°C to +85°C High stability version for GPS
±2.0 x 10-6 Max. / -30°C to +85°C Standard stability version
Frequency/load coefficient fo-Load ±0.2 × 10-6 Max. 10kΩ // 10pF ±10%
Frequency/voltage coefficient fo-VCC ±0.2 × 10-6 Max. VCC ± 5%
Frequency aging f_age ±1.0 × 10-6 Max. +25°C, First year, 13MHz≤ f0≤40MHz
±1.5 x 10-6 Max. +25°C, First year, 40MHz< f0≤52MHz
Current consumption ICC 1.5mA Max. 13MHz≤ f0≤26MHz
2.0mA Max. 26MHz< f0≤52MHz
Input resistance Rin 500kΩ Min. - VC- GND (DC)
Frequency control
f_cont ±8.0 × 10-6 to ±15.0 × 10-6 - VC=0.9 V ±0.6 V (Vcc =1.8 V) or VC=1.4 V ±1.0 V (Vcc=2.8 V)
Frequency change polarity - Positive polarity -  
Symmetry SYM 40% to 60% GND level (DC cut)
Output voltage VPP 0.8V Min. Peak to peak
Output load
Load_R 10kΩ DC cut capacitor = 0.01µF
Load_C 10pF

* Note : Please contact us for inquiries about specifications other than the above.


External dimensions


(Unit: mm)

Please keep "N.C." pin OPEN condition or GND connection.
"N.C." pin doesn’t work as a ground pin.

Footprint (Recommended)


(Unit: mm)

For stable operation, please add a bypasscapacitor (0.01uF to 0.1uF) between Vcc and GND.
Please place it as close to TCXO as possible.